The most beautiful time of the year is here once more and it never fails to inspire me. Flowers in bloom, birds chirping louder, and bluer skies are just a few of the things urging me to return to blogland.

Yes, I have been gone for many months, seemingly suffering from artist's block. Instead, I got busy connecting with family and friends on, where else, Facebook! It also became a home for a lot of my photos on decorating until I needed more room for creative expression.

{Sometimes I wonder if Shakespeare ever had a writer's block.}

So, home sweet home, I'm back to blogging...just in time to embrace
Welcome back and happy springtime! I'm so relieved to see you back here in the blogging world. I attempted to send you an e-mail regarding my attempts to open the invitation to your pictures, but your address was not active. Hope you write back. : ) Lovely, lovely, pictures! xoxo- Michelle
Kindly relay to Aya Bong that I left her a message as well as sent her an e-mail. Hope all is well and beautiful!