Tuesday, March 17, 2009

~Simple Joy~

In the ramble of my daily grind, I have visited my surroundings less often. Yesterday, I captured the pleasure of the greeneries around our home. Then I realized how much beauty there is just outside my doors.

Wild flowers, just left to thrive by themselves, but seemingly want to show their beauty.

I never paid attention to this variety of rosemary. But look at how pretty they lay their flowers!

I have always seen these bushes in our slope as ground fillers. Now they are beautiful flowers in our house.


  1. Luv this post Celestina! Especially the lil' squirrel next to your rosemary. Hey, if you luv the outdoors like me, you should join Outdoor Wednesdays! It's a post party hosted by Susan. Check out my blog to learn more about it.

  2. Hi-
    I finally visited your niece's blog and she also visited mine as well. Your daughter lives really close, one town away from me. BTW, my post for today is about my space at the antique mall if you want to check it out! Maybe someday when you visit your daughter we could meet for a cup of tea!
